Summer Field Day

The Charlotte Amateur Radio Society is preparing for our Summer Field Day Event on June 25 – 26.  Every June, more than 35,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill, and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933 and remains the most popular event in ham radio.

Field Day is a 24-hour event.  We will begin our setup on Saturday morning at 9:00 am.  Lunch will take place at 12:00 noon and first contacts begin at 2:00 pm.  We will operate for 24 hours and take down the equipment at 2:00 pm on Sunday.

See our post for more information.

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